Citizenship by Investment

Citizenship by Investment

As of 1st November 2020, the Cyprus Investment Programme is closed until further notice. Contact us for further information.

High net worth individuals (HNWI) and their families are becoming more mobile with business interests expanding beyond national boundaries. The European Union is home to HNWI who have selected Europe to structure personal and business affairs and in this respect, Malta and Cyprus offer a straightforward route to European Citizenship through their respective Citizenship by Investment Programmes specifically designed to attract new talent and successful entrepreneurship.

While it surely isn't a numbers game, the numbers are telling nonetheless: Malta and Cyprus are well regarded as European financial centres enjoying the sun and sea experience of the Mediterranean within a sophisticated legal framework and business environment. They are ideal for taking up residence or investing with the goal of obtaining Cypriot or Maltese nationality. The Mediterranean islands of Cyprus and Malta have enjoyed over 400 and 700 citizenship by investment applications in 2014 under their respective citizenship by investment programmes

Citizenship by Investment in Malta & Cyprus

Both citizenship investment programmes are aimed at the ultra-high net worth individual: Cyprus with an entry level €1.5 million, while Malta requires

  • a contribution of €650,000
  • €150,000 in government bonds and
  • Home purchase or rent of €350,000 / €16,000

Comparing the two programmes, consultants have jumped to conclusions and have been quick to side with one or the other. However, they may not be a that there is a straight winner if this is a race. My more restrained opinion is that one size does not fit all and thus each programme has its merits, addressing different aspirations of different investor profiles.

Malta Citizenship by Investment

Cyprus Investment Programme

Citizenship by Investment News


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