21 ноя 2024 Antoine Saliba Haig
Malta has announced significant changes to its Permanent Residence Programme (MPRP) for 2025. These updates include increased investment thresholds and fees, aimed at enhancing the programme's attractiveness and ensuring its sustainability.
29 фев 2024 Pauline Gouder
Greece is planning to raise the investment needed for non-EU nationals to obtain residence by investment in the country. This was announced by Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis who announced that such increase will target islands and cities where the demand is high.
06 фев 2024 Julia Tirazona
Effective as from March 31st, 2024, Bulgaria and Romania will partially join the European Schengen Area.
02 фев 2024 Pauline Gouder
Antigua and Barbuda Passport Holders Now Eligible for Visa-Free Entry to China
20 ноя 2023 Administration Team
Chetcuti Cauchi has won its case in the Court of Criminal Appeal in a defamation case on a complaint by senior lawyer Jean-Philippe Chetcuti and immigration consulting firm CC Advisors Ltd. In a 4-year legal battle against the Chairman of Group M6, a French media group, and against the CEO of the French production company Ligne de Front that produces the investigative series Inquiète Exclusif.
20 ноя 2023 Admin
In a government memo issued to stakeholders on the 13th of November 2023, the Citizenship by Investment Unit of Antigua and Barbuda announced the commencement of mandatory interviews for all citizenship applicants.
29 сен 2023 Julia Tirazona
The Citizenship by Investment Unit of Grenada has issued a new circular whereby it announced the postponement of the interview requirement for CBI applicants.
06 июл 2023 Admin
The Saint Kitts & Nevis Citizenship by Investment Unit has announced the extension to the programme’s Sustainable Growth Fund (SGF) Limited Time Offer (LTO).
07 мар 2023 Dr Priscilla Mifsud Parker
The introduction of onerous minimum presence rules (183 days) to prove tax residence in the United Arab Emirates are seeing UAE residents jilted by yet another tax change in the Emirates take up residence in the European Island of Malta where tax is only chargeable on a remittance basis and foreign source income and capital gains are outside the scope of Maltese taxation.
17 фев 2023 Admin
The Portuguese Prime Minister Antonio Costa has this week announced the termination of the Portugal Golden Visa programme with the main aim to tackle the housing crisis in Portugal. As part of these housing measures, the cancellation of the Portugal Golden Visa programme is intended to eliminate the speculation in the real estate market and the increase in rents.