On September 23, 2014, the Immigration Law Section of the Federal Bar Association will host its third annual conference, in Rome, on Citizenship in a Global Era. The program will provide a forum for attorneys, judges, and academics to exchange insights on a wide range of issues centred on the concept of citizenship.
8:30-9:00 Introduction, Welcome & Overview by Margaret H. McCormick
9:00- 10:15 The Ukraine: Annexation or Self-Determination?
This panel will consider the implications on citizenship in the Ukraine after the hurried vote in Crimea to join Russia. It will review the latest developments both from the perspective of the Ukraine as well as the international community.
Ernest Constant Raskauskas
Petro Kostiv
10:15-11:30 Secession Movements in Europe: Scotland, Cataloniaand Padania
Both Catalonia and Scotland have votes scheduled in 2014 on whether to become independent nations. Italy has a similar movement in northern Italy. This panel will present the circumstances of these secession movements and the implications to national and EU citizenship.
Maria Celebi
Laura Devine
Ana Garicano Solé
Marco Mazzeschi
11:30-11:45 Break
11:45-1:15 Bartering for Citizenship: Malta and MAVNI
The panel will discuss the Pros and Cons of selling citizenship in the small country of Malta, 50 miles south of Sicily, which it hopes will raise about two billion for development. The program, begun in February, 2014, has already attracted interest from hundreds of applicants
Dr. Jean-Philippe Chetcuti, Managing Partner - Chetcuti Cauchi Advocates
H. Raymond Fasano
Margaret Stock
1:15-2:00 Lunch
2:00-3:45 Citizenship as a Civil or Human Right
"Cosmopolitan citizenship" has created new forms of inequality. There are now super-citizens, marginal citizens, quasi-citizens, sub-citizens and un-citizens. This panel will look at the particular situation in Italy as an arrival country for people fleeing political strife and poverty, and the implications in Italy and the EU. It will also address the immigration debate in the U.S. with over 11 million people seeking legal status.
William Lorris
Pietro Pennisi
Mary Meg McCarthy
Stephen Coutts
Kate Nash
3:45-4:00 Break
4:00-5:30 Multinational, Transnational and Supra-nationalCitizen
This panel will explore the emergence of anelite "supra-citizen" in the high tech, international business and economic communities who have moved away from national identity.
F. Daniel Siciliano
Kristin Major
6:30 Evening Reception at the Hotel Ponte Sisto Garden
On September 23, 2014, the Immigration Law Section of the Federal Bar Association will host its third annual conference, in Rome, on Citizenship in a Global Era. The program will provide a forum for attorneys, judges, and academics to exchange insights on a wide range of issues centred on the concept of citizenship.
8:30-9:00 Introduction, Welcome & Overview by Margaret H. McCormick
9:00- 10:15 The Ukraine: Annexation or Self-Determination?
This panel will consider the implications on citizenship in the Ukraine after the hurried vote in Crimea to join Russia. It will review the latest developments both from the perspective of the Ukraine as well as the international community.
Ernest Constant Raskauskas
Petro Kostiv
10:15-11:30 Secession Movements in Europe: Scotland, Cataloniaand Padania
Both Catalonia and Scotland have votes scheduled in 2014 on whether to become independent nations. Italy has a similar movement in northern Italy. This panel will present the circumstances of these secession movements and the implications to national and EU citizenship.
Maria Celebi
Laura Devine
Ana Garicano Solé
Marco Mazzeschi
11:30-11:45 Break
11:45-1:15 Bartering for Citizenship: Malta and MAVNI
The panel will discuss the Pros and Cons of selling citizenship in the small country of Malta, 50 miles south of Sicily, which it hopes will raise about two billion for development. The program, begun in February, 2014, has already attracted interest from hundreds of applicants
Dr. Jean-Philippe Chetcuti, Managing Partner - Chetcuti Cauchi Advocates
H. Raymond Fasano
Margaret Stock
1:15-2:00 Lunch
2:00-3:45 Citizenship as a Civil or Human Right
"Cosmopolitan citizenship" has created new forms of inequality. There are now super-citizens, marginal citizens, quasi-citizens, sub-citizens and un-citizens. This panel will look at the particular situation in Italy as an arrival country for people fleeing political strife and poverty, and the implications in Italy and the EU. It will also address the immigration debate in the U.S. with over 11 million people seeking legal status.
William Lorris
Pietro Pennisi
Mary Meg McCarthy
Stephen Coutts
Kate Nash
3:45-4:00 Break
4:00-5:30 Multinational, Transnational and Supra-nationalCitizen
This panel will explore the emergence of anelite "supra-citizen" in the high tech, international business and economic communities who have moved away from national identity.
F. Daniel Siciliano
Kristin Major
6:30 Evening Reception at the Hotel Ponte Sisto Garden